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Old 05-07-2014, 07:53 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by Fiskadoro View Post
It's Western Australia. About half way through you'll see a long skinny fish that looks like a King Mackerel (Gulf), or Wahoo. It's actually the Australian Spanish Mackerel, or more technically a Narrow Barred Spanish Mackerel and they've always had a shore based fishery for them. Lots of big fish including Treveli Tuna and sharks get caught by guys fishing for Spanish Macs off the cliffs.

This is one of those things where they are trying to make a big new dramatic thing out of something that's been going on for decades. Most don't know about the fishery because the Northern regions of Western Australia are one of the remotest places on the planet, and few people make the trip to go fish for them. If I had to guess I'd say they are fishing either off Dirk Harthog Island or up at Cape Range National Park which is pretty much the middle of nowhere.

I've always wanted to fish there, and even considered moving to Western Australia at one time but it's just too far away, and it's a hard place to make a living. To give you an idea of how remote this area is the only town of any size for a 1000 kilometers is Exmouth and it has a population of something like a 1000 people. Perth has over a million people but it's way south of where they are fishing.

Most people who do fish for them do so in a sane manner.

You left out the part about gigantic, aggressive great whites EVERYWHERE.
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