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Old 05-07-2014, 07:51 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by RSFL View Post
Hey Ryan,

You did come to Gaviota when you were invited by Joe. Not sure why your being so negative towards him when he was the one providing all OUR Seabass info openly on your forum.

Had it not been for Joe Catching the 17 nice seabass and 15 big halibut then posting on your forum you would of had no clue the fish were there. How can you not give him the credit???

Joe is a great guy and I know you are too but to recommend he be banned from posting on this forum for a little fisherman fun n games that did get out of control is a bit overkill.

And the fact of not admitting his and the FTW Crews posts including myself did not lead to you receiving an invite to come fish and eventually getting a fish is a bit weak and disappointing for sure!

Okey gonna get these facts strait because this he said she said is a joke.

I have not fished Gav or any santa barbara waters in at least 3-4 years. So your facts are all wrong.

On the ban note,
Sarcasm on a forum is hard to read, but I guess when you look at his post you could not see the sarcasm when the majority of his post are causing crap with guys. I mean come on really.

Im a sarcastic dude, kinda like the sewer guys which showed me the busy bee, on a spelling bee day.

Hope y'all have a great season up there. Make sure to send me an invite this time so we can share a beer and I can get in on this santa barbara fishing.

If I did fish Gav it was in my sleep and someone drugged me because I do not remember it and for sure would have remembered that would probably still be having fun...
Team Central Coast Kayak Fishing

Last edited by rhyak; 05-07-2014 at 07:52 PM. Reason: finisher up
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