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Old 05-15-2014, 10:30 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by SoCalCJ View Post
Your absolutely entitled to your opinion, as am I! I'm not saying it should be your one and only water removal device. It absolutely more effective than nothing at all. I think everyone understand the importance of redundancy and having multiple pieces of emergency equipment on board. I personally like it as an option, especially if I need extra long reach to the stern.

Heck REI even markets them as bilge pumps:
I take it your a water gun user. Yes your right, better than nothing, but using it as your primary way to remove water from your kayak in an emergency like I offense but stupid. Using the watergun for small amounts of water is just fine, and I'm not arguing that it wont' pump water... If your watergun is the only device you use to quickly remove large amounts of water in your should re-evaluate it.

Even with the "correct" pump it's going to be difficult to pump out all the water quickly. With the water I said I shouldn't have to explain why it's a bad idea...
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