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Old 12-21-2007, 03:20 AM   #8
Slay Rider
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/bing said "I posted an honest review of my experience. That is all." Again, let me assure you your review was good and if for no other reason than because your pictures, expressed thoughts and conclusions caused three of us to pause long enough to think, feel and reply back with thoughts of our owe. In my opinion, an honest reply, pro or con, is the highest compliment you can be given on a public forum like this one.

"Absence of data collection instruments"
You are right there, it frustrates the hell out of me to read ten different reviews that come to ten different conclusions. If it was only as easy as putting a tape measure on it or putting it on a scale. But there are just so many variables. Probably the best bench mark test I’ve ever read of was to load various fishing yaks down with all their gear and paddlers - then tow them behind a motor boat - with a scale, noting how much drag each hull created as it was pulled through the water. If an industry standard could be agreed to and that measurement included along with the other specification normally listed it would give the buyer a better point of reference .

"your average speed range has a gap of 30%. A significant difference to say the least."
While I’m sure there are two reptile experts out there someplace in a heated debate over which is faster, the red eared turtle or the desert tortoise to me they are both little more than rocks with legs. Looking out over La Jolla from the bluff and watching kayakers move about as they fish is like watching cattle graze - never have I pointed one individual out said "Will you look how fast that one is moving."
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