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Old 05-23-2014, 04:08 AM   #20
Let's Do This!
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Location: san diego, ca, usa
Posts: 63
My buddy did once, probably 18lb or so...but of you try to make that your main yellowtail rig, your put a lot of strain on that little thing, I have one too and a Daiwa Lexa (which claims 7more lb of drag than curado) but they are just simple bass reels, not true day in day out 25-40lb class reels. So if you like replacing level winds, drags, bearings, etc. than Curado might do it....problem is also if the fish is kicking your butt near the kelp, might not me worth loosing a nice HG because you wanted to see if the Curado could "do it."

Now as far as the Shimano Tranx that some were writing about, that can kick most yellowtails a$$ no problem, here is me doing it in LJ on a 27lb YT.....Good Luck

Don't hate me, Just my humble opinion
Tight lines my fishing brothers
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