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Old 05-23-2014, 09:12 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by addicted2sp33d View Post
Just to clarify before people get offended (perhaps I'm too late for this) - my post about La Jolla becoming a zoo was in jest, in case the smileys and congratulations were ignored by those of you who choose to be offended.

There is such a thing as finding haters everywhere because that's what you're looking-for.
Ever buy a new car/watch/whatever and then in the weeks following your oh-so-cool purchase, you start noticing everyone that has the same car/watch/whatever?

La Jolla is going to become a zoo whether he posted this report or-not. Even if his post makes a few people decide they want to fish La Jolla this weekend, they will be a minuscule percentage of the people who are going to be out there anyway.

Blaming big crowds on his post is like telling people not to fart during a tornado because it'll just add to the winds and help blow down that orphanage that has all the one-eyed, one-armed children.

I for one, deeply appreciate these reports, not only for the composition, the pictures, or the hope, but also because I'm sitting in an office most of the time when you guys are out doing what I wish I was doing.

I ever catch something interesting, you guys can be sure it'll be up here before my catch shows up on the dinner table.

Apologies for the threadjack.
I think most of the smart ones knew your first post was in jest with the and icons.
It's the others that may be holding their tongues at this point. Personally, I'm tired of the Kayak Fishing Reports a month or two later, showing toads and how they finally decided to use so and so's guide service. How are those so-called reports supposed to be beneficial to those that don't use a guide, which still amounts to the majority that are members of this website?
"Never say die"
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