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Old 06-13-2014, 07:20 AM   #8
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Tehachapi
Posts: 81
Respect and Honesty

I was driving my wife and son to his hockey game. 65 in a 55 mph. The officer asked me if I kew why he pulled me over. "Yes sir, I was going 65 mph". I answered all his questions respectfully and nervously scrambled around trying to find my insurance paperwork. At the end he chuckled and said "you where the slowest person I pulled over today, slow it down" and let me go. My wife asked me if I knew why he let me off? I said "because I was respectful and honest" I was trying to set a good example for my son. She said "nope" clasped her hands together, pulled her elbows in, and popped out the best cleavage shot I have seen. "Thats why." She's a helper.
When I'm pulling my trailer I try to set the cruise control and keep it at 55+mph, but sometimes the voices in my head are convincing that I won't get caught. Sorry about going off topic.
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