Thread: LJ Rook
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Old 06-21-2014, 10:49 AM   #5
FISH11's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2013
Location: Pine Valley when not fishing La Jolla
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Like Mike said if you want Bass use plastics rigged weedless in the openings in the kelp. If you want Yellows without using bait, then use a Yo Yo Iron outside the kelp. Really important is to use 65lb braid and 40lb flouro leader. That way if you get stuck in the kelp, you can get your Iron or fish back. If your stuck, get over the kelp you're stuck on and use a rod holder or rod holder extension to wrap the line around several times than use it as a handle to pull your line up. It will break the Iron or lure loose from the kelp. If you try to use your pole you can't put the same pressure and are likely to break the rod tip. Been there, done that. If you're a rook, fish with a buddy. Be safe. Good luck
MARK ......... 2016 MALIBU X FACTOR, 2020 SOLO SKIFF (Fishing Kayak on Steroids )
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