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Old 06-28-2014, 12:26 AM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Seven minutes from the launch!
Posts: 987
Gentlemen, start your engines.

In lieu of the, Bloodydecks Yellowtail Shoot out, where many fuel crazed pedal-to-the-metal enthusiasts would gladly run each and everyone of you (kayak anglers) down -- if a bird so much as flaps his wing. Or farts? This week will be dedicated to the sometimes elusive/really not so elusive trophy fish: the ghost. Which to many is appropriately named. To others though, White Sea Bass, are just another fish. If when this weekly update finds you in the former category? Just know that one day, when you find yourself in the latter group, you'll look back at this part-time infatuation with an overgrown silver fish and laugh. Hopefully.

Regardless, until then, just know that there's no shortage of them these days. And as long as you continue to look both ways before crossing the street -- you'll have the rest of your life to catch them. Unless, of course, my prediction rings true. And they shut down the entire California Coast to recreational fishing. Making a huge marine-park, if you will, and selling the aqua-farmed resource back to us all at a premium. At which point I'll be living off some tropical island with many reef break options. And looking back at all these photos with a grin.

When I took this photo I certainly had a smile from ear to ear. Fish were all over the place on this occasion. Making my job a hell of a lot easier.

Quite the luxury to just be able to take a photo instead of freaking out about having to get lines down. Fish on deck already? Helps.

Let's see. Hammering them off of Dana Point. Hammering them off of La Jolla. Hammering them South of there as well (pictured here).

Bringing me to my original point in the second paragraph. They're not as elusive as many make them out to be. Also, check the wave height in this photo. This day was huge! When the Pacific Ocean gives you lemons -- make lemonade.

To this day, one of the scariest things to ever happen to me? Was being buzzed in deep water (well outside the kelp) by a, White Sea Bass. Not just any fish, though. I'm talking about what could have been a hundred pounder! Just diving some birds in open water. Looked like a school of, Yellowtail, was breezing through or something. Birds on Sardines. Sardines on Krill with millions of, Pacific Greenback Mackerel, thrown in for good measure. Then, up from the depths shoots the largest ghost I've ever seen that hammers a Sardine. I know, I know, who cares? It was a couple feet from my face...

No picture of the, White Sea Bass, but I got a pretty cool image of the Krill.

Said frightened diver. What a kook. Another photo that I'll probably look back on (years from now) with a smile, though.

Especially, if and when I do the unthinkable -- and get a real job.

Diving is very similar to hook and line angling. In many ways, actually. Case in point: Sometimes you target say, Halibut?

And get a big surprise. Honestly, I really don't know who was more taken aback on this day. Scouring the bottom looking for eyes and chins. Then out of absolutely nowhere, holy $hit! Check out the filthy visibility and sandy bottom here.

More deep water schools on the fin-bait. Don't get it twisted a trophy, White Sea Bass, will kick your ass.

If and when the damn things aren't in the kelp? Music to my ears and all. But the damn things will put up a tussle.

On one of my last updates I mentioned heading out on a boat for more, elusive fish, action. Eight boats, all five hundred yards apart -- unheard of in this day and age.

Proving yet again that ice can indeed get expensive. And, White Sea Bass, are only elusive if you let them be.

What's that saying: Find the bait. Find the fish? Something like that anyway. I heard, Yellowtail, eat these things as well. No?

And just another reason to not fish in La Jolla this weekend. Bloodydecks,Yellowtail shoot-out, aside.

Lastly, to make this a hot off the press report. Might as well put up a photo taken in the last few days.

By all means get out there and try to tangle with one. Just not this one specifically -- unless you plan on fishing in my ice-chest.

My suggestion would be to consider giving those poor, Yellowtail, a rest. Go poke around a few new-to-you places. Anyway, that's probably enough for now in regards to this weekly update. For more inspiration-in-a-can? You might consider stopping on by this thread for a sip next week. Or not.

I'll be on a couple boats the next few days. And in saying that. If a Bird so much as flaps his wing -- or farts? Don't say I didn't warn you...
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