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Old 06-30-2014, 12:47 PM   #1
Amish Ed
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Location: Grants Pass, OR
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Newport, 6-30-14

Landwhale and I launched at 6am to cloudy skies and a very cool South wind. The wind had a few moments where it would back off, but for the most part it blew all morning. Water was clear and warm (74.5º at Low tide, 71.5 after the tide had come in for a while). Even with the negative tide we didn't have to do the mud walk. It was a week or 2 ago that we did and it sucked, figuratively and literally.

Started off fishing the areas where the fish have been the last month or so. They didn't bite. Moved to some moored boats and pretty much stayed there until 11am when we headed back to the beach. It wasn't until about 7am that I started getting fish and by 8:30 I had 9. Unfortunately, Steve only had 1. I pulled another 4 bass and a short butt over the next 2 hours while Steve caught 8.

Yet again New Penny Paddlerz did most of the damage, though a 4" FLurry in White Out also got a fish. The fish were actually much pickier this week. Steve and I both noticed they were very feisty today too. All the spotties I got did not want to be handled and would not set still to let me get the hook out. I even got a finger sliced open by one very grumpy spotty.

Over all, a very fun day!
Amish Ed
You can't catch it again if it's dead!
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