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Old 07-01-2014, 08:42 PM   #42
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Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Oceanside
Posts: 44
June 8th I was about 2-300 yards west of the LJ kelp beds and saw something big fat and grey hanging out a few feet under the surface about 30 yards ahead of me. Being curious and stupid I closed the distance wondering if this could be a white shark. I kept telling myself it couldn't be, and secretly hoped it wasn't, but when I got about 5 yards away it turned a little and I realized that it was a shark. It was only 8 or 9 feet long but really fat so my only assumption is a white. As soon as I realized it actually was a shark I quickly turned back to the kelp and stayed there a while. I didn't really feel like it would attack or anything but I freaked out more than the prideful man in me would like to admit when I noticed that I was heading right for it and might end up aggravating it. I by no means am a shark expert and sure as hell don't know what an annoyed GW would do to the nearest bystander. It was just out by itself seemingly hanging out wanting to be left alone and here I come to like a pesky little brat. I think I'd rather just give them their space and hopefully they will do the same with us. But maybe I'm just a little bitch.
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