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Old 01-24-2008, 03:19 PM   #1
gary sullivan
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Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: spring valley
Posts: 192
How to FIND a live squid

After not catching any squid for bait on Sunday and having to rely on the generosity of Wavster for a few pieces, I also went out Monday to if not catch a yt, at least a squid. No luck on either. After talking to several people it seems the squid are best found by us after the sun comes up. Most of those that got them during darkness did so by following the boats around that had their heavy lights on. I was around a lot of people out there on Sunday and no one was pulling up squid that I could see. I think it is a case of being at the right place at the right time. I didn't see anything on my fishfinder that would indicate a mass of bait. If there is a secret to finding these squid when they are obviously out there, I and many others would appreciate knowing for next year. Thank you in advance. Gary
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