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Old 07-15-2014, 04:22 PM   #3
SP Dan
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: San Pedro, Ca
Posts: 62
Originally Posted by FISH11 View Post
The head units are waterproof, so there is no need to protect it from water. Scratches can happen but I haven't really had a problem. The most important thing is to fill up the cable connector with di-electric grease to protect the connector from corrosion due to electrolisis. I put some into the connector openings in the cable end and fill up the cavity on the head unit. Fill up both sides if your head model has two. If you don't do this the connectors can corrode away and you would need to replace the transducer cable or worse the head unit. The biggest problem I have had with salt water is that your paddle and waves splash onto the screen as it dries it leave spots, making it hard to see the screen. If you wipe it off it leaves streaks. I apply some Rain X to the screen using the RainX wipes just like I use on the Go Pro lens. That helps as long as you don't wipe off with your fingers. If some water stays on the screen, than I pour a little fresh water on the screen from my drinking water bottle. That helps stop the spots. Some people rubber band a zip lock bag, but they will get spotted also. Also important in connecting the head unit to the power source (battery) hook up the unit first before connecting the battery and disconnect the battery first before disconnecting the head unit this is another way to reduce the possibility of connector problems. Never leave the head unit connected when not in use. Good Luck

Thanx FISH11,

When I was picking up my kayak Mon evening, Andy did mention the dielectric grease and it's importance to me but we both sorta forgot about it at the end, but he did tell me that he had already greased my fittings real well. The guy really gave excellent service and made certain that my proposed yak and it's equipment were 100% ready.
I went on line today and bought a 5 oz tube of it on E-Bay ... sorry Andy.
On the FF head I have two connectors on it's back side that I wish to put cover caps on to better protect them after applying the dielectric grease for during transport and storage.
Where can I get the cover caps?


Last edited by SP Dan; 07-15-2014 at 04:31 PM.
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