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Old 07-28-2014, 06:11 PM   #1
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Bonito Or Bonita?

This is a Kayak Fishing Report from Solana Beach / Solana Kelp on July 28th, 2014.

I saw the surf forecast was small so I took a vacation day today. I am glad I did because the conditions were awesome! The water was clear with extreme visibility thanks to the glassy conditions. It appeared truly blue (as opposed to the normal greenish tint). Water and air were both in the low 70's at sunrise.

Conditions Photo:
Solana Glass photo IMAG0472_zps52e3ea5f.jpg

Upon trying to make bait I quickly was into some Greenback Mackerel. On one of the hook-ups I noticed something substantially stronger than a typical mac. It was my first Bonita ever! ( are they Bonito or Bonita?)

First Bonita estimated at about 12-inches:
Small Bonita photo IMAG0471_zpsc68b138e.jpg

As it turned out, these things were in abundance today making the sea boil around my kayak. I hooked another but was still really seeking Mackerel.

Second Bonita estimated at 14-inches:
Solana Bonita photo IMAG0475_zps42fc642c.jpg

I hooked a Barracuda as well:
 photo IMAG0473_zpsa1347507.jpg

So finally flylining a mac in front of the kelp I hook-up with this guy. He was a good 20+ inches by my estimation.

Calico Bass estimated at 20-inches:
 photo IMAG0476_zps7dc08f56.jpg

Additionally I caught a few other Calicos and Sheepheads.

All in all this was a much better day than working! Here is one final photo of the beach after landing with the kelp oasis in the background.

Solana Beach photo IMAG0482_zps78b5241b.jpg to get ready for work tomorrow!
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