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Old 07-31-2014, 01:20 PM   #6
Smokeybear's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 20
=Hunters Pa;201881]Go with what you are comfortable using. Don't fish with anything you can't break off while balanced on a kayak.
This is a very good advise, I know a lot of people are fishing with #65 spectra, what's the best method to break this size braid? I'm a big guy I can break 40 or 50 mono when I'm standing on ground or a large size boat by pulling hard with a wrapped rug on my arm, a kayak is very different because you have no way to hold the kayak from moving when you're pulling, I guess if you can't break the line there's no other solution the using a knife.
Can you break #65 braid setting the reel drag to the max I would think it will slip or it my damage the reel?
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