Thread: GoPro
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Old 08-12-2014, 08:27 PM   #5
Join Date: May 2014
Location: San Diego
Posts: 33
Originally Posted by rossman View Post
Yo dewinwa I looked at all 12 of your previous posts and have concluded that you have added nothing to this forum. You have only taken. After your last 5 posts your record is in tact. The ad says obo. If you are interested make him an offer. preferably via PM. If not, then move along. There is nothing to see here. I have no dog in this fight. I have never met Jimmy but I know his contributions to this community and he certainly has earned my respect
You are correct that I have not contributed much in the 3 months since joining as I am new to kayak fishing and do not know much in that respect. Not sure what you mean by all I do is take since my last few posts were an effort to volunteer next week but I'm not gonna get offended by someone who feels the need to make his 279th comment in 7 years one that bashes some one for answering a question that I do have knowledge about since I had just researched and purchased the same items a few weeks ago. I thought this forum was about helping each other, good or bad, maybe I am mistaken. Now I never intended to offend anyone, just answer a question then defend my answer. In hindsight, as we all know is 20/20, I should have answered the question via PM. For this I sincerely apologize to JimmyZ and hope he can forgive my mistake.
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