Thread: inernet posting
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Old 02-11-2008, 07:50 PM   #1
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inernet posting

These few recent comments inspired me to spin the thread on mechanics of posting... I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. I’d be interested to see what other folks think on the subject.

Just like everything else on the internet, these fishing boards are constantly evolving. What these forums are today is nothing like what they used to be 4 or 5 years ago. There are no “policies and procedures” on internet posting. It kind of bothers me when I see people almost trying to create them. In my opinion, it is highly personal thing – post if wish, keep lurking if you don’t. Both is fine with all of us reading, I think.

The problem with public fishing internet forums is that you have a group of people that feel they are obligated to get other people’s intell... ?!? I personally believe that’s probably one of the biggest downers for these boards. It creates this negative vibe – one dark comment seems to have the same impact power like 10 positive ones.

There is no doubt there are numerous benefits of exchanging information on these forums. I’ll be the 1st one to admit that the information I soaked from the internet greatly reduced my learning curve in getting to know the ropes of South CA fishing. Anyone who tells you that they knew it all (and have made a daily routine to hang out on internet fishing boards), I think that’s BS.

Sure thing – nothing beats the time on the water. But having the place on the internet where you can exchange the info and reports with other people that are into the same game, get to know people and even strike some friendships – sounds great to me. This is especially true for kayak fishing. The sport is still pretty new, there are more and more folks getting into every day. There’s some dead serious information that they better soak on these boards before they venture in to the open ocean. I'm not even talking about fishing.

Judging whether someone is a sportsman based on whether they put up a report, “a timely report” (wow, deadline requirements), or don’t report at all, is rather... bold and silly, if you ask me.

In absence of free time to fish, I know that I, for one, dig and thoroughly enjoy other people reports. Good or bad days - it's all good.

It’s just fishing people. Reading these boards, it sometimes seems to me we’re getting way too serious about it.
<)))< ....b-a-a-a-a
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