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Old 08-31-2014, 10:18 PM   #7
Amish Ed
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Originally Posted by alanw View Post
Search for AmishEd's posts, he does this a lot and gives good info regarding what to use, usually in New Penny color.

+1 fish the moving water.
Yep, find the moving water. It's not always in the same place or the same speed. Some places the tide hits earlier than others. Some places it lasts longer. For example, the point of the Bali Hai often has current long after mid channel goes slack.

Also fish the bottom mostly. If you're out deep, then let out lots of line (like 1/2 your spool if you're using say a 200 size baitcaster) and then slowly wind back. This is called long lining and is very effective for the deeper water in SD Bay. Use lots of weight too, depending on the current I go as heavy as 1oz-1.5oz. But, this is also dependent on the size of the bait. My 4" FLurrys will fish 3/4oz fine, where as with the same current my 5.5" Big Hammers might need 1oz+ to fish the same. Those also happen to be my 2 go to baits. For colors it just depends on the day. I bring lots.

For in shallow looking for spotties I'd fish the 3" or 4" Flurry on a lighter head or the Paddlerz. Maybe a spinnerbait and/or slip jig too. Same deal for colors too, just depends on the day.

Hope this helps some. JeffB would be a great person to pick his brain. He's spent lots of time on the big bay.
Amish Ed
You can't catch it again if it's dead!
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