Thread: LJ Concern
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Old 09-22-2014, 09:45 PM   #12
Cbad Mike
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Tourist : Is that a Tuna?
Me: No its a Yellowtail. It's part of the Jack family.
Tourist: It's a Yellowtail? Oh, so it's a Tuna.

Tourists: (looking at my YT) Did you catch that out there? (pointing to the water)

Tourist : (looking at my YT) what are you going to do with that?
Me: I use it for bait.
Tourist: Bait for what?
Me: Sharks
Tourist : Sharks? There's sharks out there? (pointing to the water)
Me: Yep
Tourist : Aren't you scared that they will attack you?
Me: No, not at all because there are so many people swimming in the water today and they are easier for a shark to get than me on my kayak.

Tourist : (looking at my YT) Is that a Tuna?
Me: Why yes it is.
Tourist: COOL!

Tourist: Can I take a picture of your canoe?
Me: Sure. It's a kayak
Tourist : (Yelling to their kids) "Commere and stand next to this canoe for a picture"
Me: grrrrrrrrrr

And so on.
I'm so glad the season is over!

OH, I almost forgot.......

Man Tourist: That's a nice set up.
Me: Thanks, it's a lot of fun
Man Tourist : I ice fish when ever I get the chance.
Wife of Man Tourist: But he doesn't use a canoe like you.
Man Tourist : (silence)


Last edited by Cbad Mike; 09-22-2014 at 09:58 PM.
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