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Old 10-03-2014, 08:19 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by addicted2sp33d View Post
How does that work? Is the arrow tipped with something, or is it like a spearo and he actually has to handline the thing afterwards?

Seems a bit unfair to be shooting an animal from your (relatively) massive boat when she doesn't even know she's playing... sorta like that ridiculous knockout game. Doesn't seem like there's much "gamesmanship" involved.

Punch someone when they know you're coming... see what happens.
Couldn't agree more!

Not saying it doesn't take skill to be extremely accurate with a compound bow, but this just seems like shooting fish in a barrel to me.

I would guess that after shooting it he had to go to rod and reel to fight the fish in. In reality (IMO) its almost as easy to get a mako in bow range as it is to get one to bite live bait on rod and reel (if you are targeting sharks), but at least if something happens with a hook set-up, worst the shark leaves with is a hook and some line. With the bow set-up, the shark leaves with a mortal wound and it wasted, which would be sad with such an amazing specimen.

Leave the bows where there is more skill involved (IMO), on land with deer and other animals that see/smell you coming.
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