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Old 10-04-2014, 06:17 AM   #4
Saba Slayer
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If you were hooping the Redondo Breakwall the HARBOR PATROL NAZIS got your gear and you can call them and usually get it back.
R.B. Harbor Patrol (310) 318-0632
I've had numerous run-ins with them about the 2 hour soak time...They claim that their sphere of influence or ability to regulate as they like, is anywhere close to the harbor. It's a real conundrum because there are no written rules in the Redondo City charter about hoop netting regulations...the SOB's feel that they can make up whatever regulations they like. I not sure how to handle this, since having the city write up some new hooping regs could only open up a Pandora's box of potential problems.
I was hooping for crab about a mile or more from the mouth of the harbor and fishing about another mile away from my nets when they rolled up on my gear. I hightailed it over there and ID'd my gear and they said that I needed to be in attendance of my nets...I said I was and read them the DFW 2 hour reg. and gave them a copy of my book with the regs explained in simple language so that even a Harbor Patrol duffus could understand them.
When you retrieve your gear, please ask them to explain their homemade regulations and please get back to us with some new info.
Please let them know that you think it's unfair to the kayakers to punish them for not being able to power over to your gear immediately as a power boater could.
Good Luck
Jim / Saba Slayer

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