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Old 10-04-2014, 07:02 AM   #2
Saba Slayer
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Breeders ?

After over two years of meeting with the DFW on the Lobster Advisory committee, I learned a few facts about our spiny friends...yes the big female bugs do produce a lot more eggs but they will only mate with the same size large males...a smaller male will be eaten or ignored...wheresas a smaller size female will mate with a larger variety in size and will mate more often. For that reason we made a slot limit a very low priority in any reg change discusions.
When you eat those big bugs I find its best to try not to cook the whole tail at once as the center is usually overcooked or undercooked...I like to use the bigger tails in stirfry recipes or other cooking methods where you chop the tail into smaller pieces so it cooks more evenly.
Jim / Saba Slayer

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