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Old 10-08-2014, 07:08 AM   #11
baerclaws's Avatar
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Posts: 72
My only experience is with flat hoop nets and haven’t had problems with “flipping in the current”, but I will consider that one more advantage. I assume that you are on a kayak and that adding weight would feel heavier after pulling a bunch of nets. Another plus to flat hoops is that twice in the past 10 years, I’ve caught large bugs and found it difficult to dislodge them from the net while on the water. I stowed the bait center ring, with lobster clinging, into the front hatch and was able to put on the hatch cover and easily separate the bug from the net on shore later.
My bigger bugs, perhaps in a shedding cycle, had the thick orange layer of material covering their tail meat, I’ve never had that with the more typical sized bugs. My preferred method of cooking is butterfly and grill. Do you have a method of removing that less tasty/tough layer?
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