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Old 02-23-2008, 02:22 PM   #1
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LJ More fishermen than fish 23 Feb 2008

What a day! Just what most would have expected. Ass Hats, douche nozzles, New friends and friendly neighbors. I met my buddy Alex at the launch at 4am. I had read the report that the vehicle access to the beach was washed away so I parked as close to it as I could. As we were getting our gear unloaded we witnessed one excited yaker try to drive on to the beach. He got about 2 feet when his front right wheel went down into the crevasse that was created by rain wash. Does this qualify as a Ass Hat or Douche Nozzle? Fortunately for this guy there was a yaker who was equipped for this situation and help pull him out. Good on you!

We launched at 4:20 into shin high surf. Just as I was getting out of the surf zone I get pimp slapped by a wave over my bow (thank good for wet weather clothes eh Alex?) We Peddled out and met a lot of nice guys who were happy to share their light. Not good with names so a big thank you out to you guys (you know who you are).
Pulled in a few squid and as the sun rose and started to warm things up I drop a squid on a my jig. Bounce, Bounce Bendo! I start working it. As I start to gain some line he bolts and SNAP. Biggest WSB I never caught (most likely a bat ray though I'll never publically admit that).
Change to a knife jig. Drop and hit again. This time I bring in a greenie. This is the story for the rest of the morning. I heard tale of one person on a red Kayak pulling in a WSB but never saw it. As the crowd thinned out the dogs came in and then everything was dead.
Out of the water at 9:30.
All tolled 5 Greenies
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