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Old 02-24-2008, 09:37 AM   #12
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Posts: 445
Ya know there's a bite going on, or should I say HAD gone on when the LA guys are driving down for the action.
There were two trucks stuck? I was behind the jeep that was attempting to leave. Cheers to the yakker that lead the way to finding an alternate way off the beach by Scripps Pier, he let the rest of us know by putting his blinkers on.

Dayum Fro! I didn't see you out there, we'll catch up next time I hit Baja.

Nice seeing everyone that I haven't seen in a while...Trevor nice catching up on the paddle out. Chris, loved the orange waders, Dave, thanks for offering squeeed, and Kurt...well ya know, looking dapper as ever with the chollo beenie. Brad, I seen you but you looked busy catching free Tady's from the lobster bouys. Todd & Randy, nice seeing the both of you! Matty, didn't surprise me to see you chewing on a piece of shrimp flavored Gulp! you gotta stop that...could get cancer of the mouth. Of course seeing some LP guys - Martin, Cabo, & Gabe being their stupid selves as usual...fookers wouldn't give me a piece of squid even though it was a few hours after my B-Day!! bastards! Oh and thanks to the yaker who offered me a piece of squid in the yellow jacket to show them up, class act!

A lot of new faces out there, the years have just flown by during all of my 21 years of life, *sigh*

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