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Old 11-08-2014, 06:25 PM   #5
Cbad Mike
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As I posted on my FB page.... i couldn't think of anything that I'd rather do then fish today with our veterans. I had such a good time and am positive Darious, the vet I paired up with, had a great day too.
If you haven't volunteered yet for one of these great events let me tell you what it was about, at least for me.
While getting ready and rigging up my kayak I noticed a guy who wasn't really socializing the way everyone else I saw was. He reminded me of a kid who was made to go on a class trip that he really didn't want to be on. While he was by no means a kid he just had that look on his face that he'd rather be anywhere then where he was. I launched a minute before the vets did and was right out in front of them ready to introduce myself and guide one of them for the event. It just so happened that the same uninterested guy from the beach paddled straight towards me. I introduced myself and immediately asked him if he was ready to catch some fish. With just a straight face he said "ok". Dennis Morgan was right there with his vet for the day and the four of us paddled out to where Dennis said there were fish. Darious, the vet I've been talking about hooked up first and I could see that he was pretty dam proud of himself. He had a big smile on his face as I helped him remove the fish from his line. Over the course of the morning Darious landed two more bass and began telling me what a great time he was having. He paddled off a little bit knowing that if he needed anything all that he had to do was give me a holler. I was throwing plastic when I heard my name. I turned around and there was Darious, a guy who only fished a couple of times in his entire life and had never even been on a kayak getting a sleigh ride like a pro. The ear to ear smile on this guy's face made my day, (or so I thought). I paddled in to help him with the drag and after an adjustment, backed off to let him show that fish who was boss. I saw his happiness change a little bit as it mixed with pure pride as other vets and volunteers moved in closer and offered him shouts of encouragement. After about 7 minutes of fighting he pulled up a decent sized bat ray. It didn't matter what it was, he was freaking thrilled. We fished for another hour before heading in and during that time the guy had a constant smile on his face. While heading to the beach he told me that he wished he could stay out the rest of the day and looked forward to the next event. I hit the sand first and then Darious. I walked around my kayak and put out my hand to shake his for a job well done. He took my handshake and turned it into a hug as he thanked me for such a fun day (now THIS made my day if not my week).
We headed up to get something to eat. I saw Darious a little while later as he was eating his lunch. He still had the smile as he was talking up a storm to the people he was sitting with.
He wasn't the same guy at all that I first saw on the beach this morning but then again either am I.
I don't know who is looking forward to the next HOW event more, me or Darious.
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