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Old 11-10-2014, 08:12 PM   #12
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Join Date: May 2011
Location: San Diego
Posts: 382
Pretty much all I fish are Avet reels and I only have Seeker rods.
I own two star drag reels, a Penn Senator on a Seeker 660H Black Steel, and a Diawa Saltist 40 on a custom 8' D8 jigstick.
Other than that, it's a SXJ on a Black Steel 870-7 20# rod, a SX on a Seeker American 670, and an MXJ on a Black Steel 665 30# rod.
All reels are single speed. All reels spooled with 65 braid, except the SXJ which I put 50 on. I always use a 4-6 foot topshot of flouro.
I've pulled in 30#+ YT and 40#+ WSB on them. No problem. The only time that you'd have any concern would be when using straight mono as you'd be limited on line capacity. Remember that on a kayak, you can get towed around a bit, where on a boat you must have that line capacity for the running fish.
Love the Avet product. I like a lighter weight set up in my hands, as it allows me to fish longer with less fatigue on my wrists. Smaller is lighter.
Hope this helps.
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