Thread: Tidelands 11-28
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Old 11-28-2014, 09:27 PM   #1
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Tidelands 11-28

I've been itching to get out of the boat and into the kayak for quite a while now and finally did so. I headed out to SI yesterday search for halibut with a bounce ball rig paired w/ a crankbait. Caught a decent amount of bass and a cpl pig scoulpin. There where no halibut to be found though. So I wanted to get outside the bay and do a little more Hali hunting, but plans changed. Wife told me she wanted to go kayaking at Coronado today, so I loaded up the yaks and headed to Tidelands and made a family day out of it. I was able to get a solid cpl hrs in before she showed up and the. Another 2hrs in once she left. The bass bite was nonstop all day for me. I was surprised there was no halibut to join the party, but I guess I can't catch them every time.

Once my wife showed up I put her and my son in the little kayak. It wasn't long until my son found his way into my Revo (watching my wife paddle was a no brainier to rescue him for all of our safety)! Made it interesting fishing, but made it work. My son had a blast, so it was all worth it. We got him on some fish and he was fired up. He was calling out the fish for us while we waited for a bite. I managed to get him a handful of hook ups. Overall a gorgeous day on the water and a good time with the wife a kid. Can't wait till he is a cpl yrs older so that he can use his own kayak.
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