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Old 12-11-2014, 09:04 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by carbonbass View Post
Honestly I think it is funny Tony starts with this comment and then people say "Tony wasn't trying to bash you just help" when he says trolling for a reaction and then asks if Vince is serious. Are you DFG tony? Are you blind? Those lobsters are clearly legal so why do you care if he tails them in the parking lot, keep it to yourself man. Its obvious Vince has some integrity and conservation if he points out he released the 2 largest females for reproduction, and yet Tony still feels the need to help! (police) the post. If Vince wants to risk getting caught in the parking lot why does it matter to you?

I thought we were past this one...

Wow aren't we excited today! So you ask why does it matter to me? He clearly did something that was illegal, and it needed to be pointed out. Otherwise, others would also do the same, and unknowingly get busted. Looks like he made an honest mistake, we all do sometimes. We all should be following the rules, like em or not. If we stop following the rules then that makes our community look bad. It only takes a few guys to screw it up for all of us.

Chill out man, no reason to get hostile
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