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Old 01-11-2015, 06:13 PM   #5
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Anything over 10' swells when accompanied with 20+ knot winds (unless camping at Catalina). Personally, I don't take anybody's forecast as gospel. General swell size and direction are fairly accurate. Weather is far less accurate. And wind speed and direction are almost always wrong. These things tell me more where to fish, not when to fish. If I want to fish, I will check out the conditions at the launch location suited for the predicted conditions. Extremes in wind, chop or rain can make me turn around and go home. Also some combinations like wind and rain. And any amount of lightning in the area are no good. In the end though, this is an individual decision for each person based on their equipment, abilities and experience. I will never again recommend to anyone to go out or follow me out in conditions they are uncomfortable in (Except Tony cause his crashes are entertaining).

Btw, last nights forecast for La Jolla shores was 7' waves with 3' wind swell and 10 - 15mph wind. Other than the heavy drizzle (and lack of fish), it was a nice day out there. Got my first UW Red Crab video today too.
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