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Old 01-28-2015, 07:14 PM   #45
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Originally Posted by Smthtnnr View Post
Saying that a guide makes fishing less rewarding? You didn't mention them... just their business.

Whatever. I have just never understood the anti guide sentiment from some people, and have always found it funny that this attitude comes from people who rarely catch trophy fish.
Anti guide sentiment? Now anyone who decides not to use a guide is a bad guy? Grow up. You're blowing this up for one reason and one reason only, you're a client of Josh. I have a mortgage payment, a college bill that will not be paid off for many years and I'm someone who prefers to do things on his own, if you have the money to hire him have fun with it. I understand why you stand by the guides and defend them, because you use their services, ain't nothing wrong with that. Do you know why I drink coca cola products? Because I work for them. Would it make any sense for me to bash them? Stop for a minute and understand that contrary to what you're saying my comments weren't meant to downplay anyone, I can assure you that Josh will not lose clients because of my comments, this whole thread is free publicity for him. Unfortunately, you've taken my comments and twisted them to make me and all of the other anti-guide people look like we're bashing someone, I don't care who uses him/them. I stand by what I said, its more rewarding when you do it yourself and if you think otherwise I could care less. If you want to pay someone to guide you around have fun with it.

You should come fish with use at Irvine Lake this weekend, maybe you care share all of that knowledge.

Last edited by jorluivil; 01-28-2015 at 07:23 PM.
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