Thread: Rig new kayak?
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Old 02-10-2015, 02:58 PM   #13
Bay Destroyer
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: San Diego
Posts: 86
We have the permits and all from the city from years back but they are pulling a technicality. The garage has an entrance which requires going through city property, then there is a exit that takes you to the street without cutting across the city property. They claim a car can now go in the exit and then make a U turn in the garage and then exit the same way. Which is total BS because I tried it in a 2015 focus with the parking garage empty and with a bit of wiggling and dodging pillars did the U turn. With anyone in the garage or a car bigger then that is 110% impossible. We have been fighting the city for 3 years and have proof the judge etc were paid off in favor for the city. In order to fight that now it would be a min of 2 years and its not worth the hassle at this point. We will be selling the property and moving to a new office location in the near future.... To many greedy SOB's running this city and they could care less about the people as long as they make their paychecks and benefits...(im not saying everyone is bad but sure are a lot of bad ones)...

So anyway back to the
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