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Old 03-10-2008, 05:58 PM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: NC SD
Posts: 58
I launched at Cardiff yesterday. As most have pointed out, the best place to launch if there is any surf is the channel just south of the reef (between Charlie's and the main peak (South Peak). It's definitely a different launch situation than LJ. Surf was a bit precarious yesterday but, as this is my main launch point, I'm used to it - in and out without incident.

As for fish, plenty of bass, halibut, rockfish and all the rest of the usual suspects. I've seen the local divers with BIG WSB, though I've only caught shorts there. I've also seen 40# halibut as well as decent YT (during the warmer months).

The kelp is back in full force and you have several miles of coast to fish - kelp and other structure between Seaside and Swamis.
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