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Old 12-15-2005, 01:05 PM   #5
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I launched around 4:45am to find a couple boats already out there making squid. Went to work but didn't get squat till gray light, then managed a quick dozen on my new super-duper squid jig. Couple gave me the money shot, fricken things. Went to my new favorite spot (the eastern edge of the fleet) and put down a pair of the squirts. A couple rods around me go bendo, then both mine scream. It was either a double or one that tangled the other, but one was quickly cutoff by the other. Fish tore off a lot of line on a long first run, but I was well away from the crowds and no buoys so I let him have his fun and resisted the temptation to button down. Once to color I missed the first chance at gaff and he discovered some pent up energy and took off again. Pat mocked my slow and steady approach. How many did you land again, Mr Holmes?:roll: Took a while but finally stuck the 29lb upgrade fish. Pics to follow.

Helped Gabe with his brute BSB. We couldn't get it to go down but Pat and a PBer eventually helped out with an anchor that seemed to do the trick. Bite died pretty quickly and was not the same carnage as yesterday. Still, a few fish were caught here and there, keeping several of us out longer than we wanted. Around 9:00 there was a small flurry of smaller units (15-20lb class), but overall it was a slower bite today than yesterday. Winding down or taking a full moon breather? Who knows, but its a sure bet to be a zoo again tomorrow, nevermind the weekend. Think I'll take a day off before rejoining the herd, perhaps to target the flatties.

Anybody need some lobster bait? My freezer is packed and I'm too tired to go tonight. Also, has anyone eaten these squid we're catching? They look tasty.
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