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Old 04-05-2015, 01:58 PM   #8
Fiskadoro's Avatar
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Looks like Manhattan Pier. This is like the LA version of the crazy seal ladies. If you fish the piers or surf in LA you eventually run into these people.

Fishing is legal, but there is a very hardcore group of locals that try to keep people from fishing in the Bay. In Manhattan beach the city actually banned fishing on the pier but the state overruled them. The gray area there is that City actually drafted it's own fishing regs for the pier to limit fishing. Their regulations prohibit the use of steel or braided leaders, large hooks, any fishing line other than a monofilament line, and they say there is a legal max line test of 40 pounds. They also banned using more than two hooks on a single line, cleaning of fish on the pier, chumming, overhead casting, and fishing in the surf from the pier. They have also filed for a Coastal Commission permit to attempt to limit fishing to the end of the pier. (as of yet unsuccessful) Fish and Game warned the city that only the commission can establish fishing regulations, but the Manhattans city attorney maintained that the city can enact the ordinance in the name of public health and safety. Since the city can't legally enforce their own stupid rules, local environmental nuts have taken up the slack and use the bullshit rules to harass fisherman, and that doesn't stop with only that pier.

The Germany comments are just Goodwin's law. He's killing the fish so he's a Nazi murderer.

Last edited by Fiskadoro; 04-05-2015 at 06:10 PM.
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