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Old 04-18-2015, 11:05 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by GkT View Post
Gah. 15 in an hour? Thats more fish than I've caught out of AH, ever.
I have no idea what I'm doing though.

Was that on live bait?

i was out there yesterday playing around in the currents with a few friends. Wish I had brought a rod out with me.
Try a 1/4 or 3/8 oz warbaits head with a 3-5" swimbait. If you are in the big lagoon, head under the 5 freeway and once you're in the YMCA goon make a right and get into that eel grass. Keep your swimbait low and you will have plenty of spotties coming out of their holes to eat your bait. The warbaits are nice because they are weedless and in the 1/4" oz model, you'd be surprised how few times you will actually get snagged up in the eel grass. You will be catching 15 bass a day in no time at all. Colors of choice for me are usually a bright green or orange for fishing spotties. Light line will get you way more bites as well. If specifically targeting bass, I'll go down to 6lb flouro sometimes. But anything between 6-12 should work just fine. The more water movement the better. Fish the tides if you can.

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