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Old 04-21-2015, 07:13 AM   #5
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I don't have any sort of GPS to give exact distances but I've made some long paddles from Oceanside harbor north to the LCAC base and on to the clam beds. Some times conditions trump distance. The outer banks of north Carolina are a windy place. I doubt many of you know the waters of Roanoke sound. But I had my wife drop me off about 1/2 way up east side of Roanoke island and with the wind at my back set out to paddle south to my house. Maybe 10 minutes in to the paddle the wind did a 180, increased in speed, and the temp dropped 20 degrees. Didn't feel in danger cause I could have gone in to the marsh and beached on a mud bank but it was getting dark so I fought the wind on home. Don't know the distance but with out a doubt the toughest coldest paddle I have ever made. Mike
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