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Old 04-24-2015, 09:52 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by chris138 View Post
I'd say most people share your feeling of hopelessness.

Politically speaking... Recreational fisherman have no money and therefore no lobbying power in congress. The only chance WE have is to align ourselves with the scientific and conservationist movement, and promote our sport as responsible and sustainable. If it doesn't happen in your lifetime, it will never happen as the resource will be gone forever.

I don't see us gaining any traction in the scientific community as long as you have anglers griping and complaining about every regulation and marine reserve. Not to mention the cruelty to the sealions. All you sea lion haters need to shut up and quit giving us a bad name.

You take 20 minutes to reel in a 15 lb yellowtail, then complain about how a sea lion "stole" it from you?! Ha... That sea lion is just smarter than you! At least you can now claim that it was a 40lber lol

You couldn't say it any better Chris!

Your two posts in this thread are right on the money.

The attitude of:
Yeah I need to keep my 10 fish limit, it's my right, it's in the constitution! I won't do anything to conserve until the commercial guys do.......

Just because someone else (the tuna pros) do bad things does not make it ok for you to do it.
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