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Old 04-25-2015, 07:18 AM   #8
donkey roper
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So because there are small discrepancies in temperature data which may have been "modified" by NOAA, then we should dismiss the entire organization, and indeed the 100 years plus of collective scientific knowledge generated by NOAA researchers?

If there was a CAT 5 hurricane bearing down on your family's home and NOAA, who is the only reputable marine weather service we have, predicted landfall nearby, would you call mom up and say "I dunno mom... These kooks over at NWS often falsify their data and are likely exaggerating the danger"? I think not.

I trust NOAA wholeheartedly, with my life. So do you, and you don't even realize it. Where do you think all the marine weather data comes from? Magic seaweed?? They have been directly responsible for saving thousands of lives and billions of dollars worth of property, and that's only in the last couple decades. I have many friends who work at fisheries and my girlfriend works at Scripps. Of course, they have an agenda like any other well funded organization. 2012 was a cold year water wise. I'm not surprised there were discrepancies in their data set.

But saying human induced global climate change isn't real, now that is pseudo-science. Sure the geologic record shows climate change, even dramatic in scale. The current patterns we are experiencing are UNPRECEDENTED in the geologic record... Like 1000x faster than we have any record of. Does it mean global warming or ice age? I don't know and won't venture to guess... But assuming some rightwing internet trolls knows more about global climate than the ARMY of PhDs from NOAA is a real shame. You are asserting that there is some conspiracy and that scientists are purposefully misinforming the public? These scientists argue with each other more than they would ever debate with a outside entity. All they do is try to prove each other wrong. Do you realize the amount of proof and peer defense that a team has to go through to even present an idea as a HYPOTHESIS, let alone a theory? Please give them a little more credit.

These are the same guys who have completely shut down the commercial sardine fishery this year. Why would they do something silly like that? Maybe it's because they are the only ones preventing man from completely decimating what is left of our ocean?
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