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Old 06-11-2015, 10:33 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by taggermike View Post
I try to keep things as simple as possible. Some may say bare bones. There are things i must have on on every trip. Safety stuff; PFD, whistle, hand pump, cell phone/radio. Things I have to take to legally fish; license, net, measuring devise. Fishing stuff I need on every trip; pliers, line cutters, game clip gaff, seat. After that I pack just what I need for the fishing I have planned for that day. This means organized fishing gear, knowlede of the fishery, and many plano boxes. I can almost always Get by with 1 plano box and 1 bag of leader spools. I never take an anchor to LA Jolla. When I fish south bay I take the anchor but not a bait tank. I have nothing on my kayak that needs electricity, FF or bait pump, so that simplifies things. For summer LJ fishing i bring 5 surface irons, 3 small heavy irons, 2 plugs. 2 sibikis, 3 sinkers 1-3 oz, 2 fluoro leader spools, and maybe 12 hooks. Obviously im not calico or bottom fishing. Sure, I some times wish I had a different iron or larger plastic but not too often. Works for me and makes packing, setting up, n taking down faster n simpler. Make a few lists of what you take then whittle them to what you need. Mike
Thanks Mike , that gives me a good idea of what people do , yea I'm guilty of bringing way to much tackle , i like the options but I'm sure i can lessen the weight and keep it simple also make me better at targeting certain species if i just plan on that for the day.

Originally Posted by YakDout View Post
To simplify what you take, bring only what you need for target species. If you don't use something 3 trips in a row (excluding safety gear) don't bring it anymore. Just more things to lose if you flip and make you slower on the water.
I like that 3 trip rule I'm sure theres a bunch of stuff i could go without haha

Originally Posted by Hunters Pa View Post
What kind of kayak do you have? Check out the innovations thread in this forum.

Part of the fun is tinkering and customizing. I seem to always bring too much stuff. Been trying to pare it down, but I also want to be ready for whatever comes my way since my time on the water is really limited.
I have a 15ft Prowler ,Yea i feel yea I'm kind of kind the same situation , i don't go out as often so i bring options from spotty too hali to rock fishing gear but i need to tone it down hehe.

Originally Posted by taggermike View Post
I try to keep things as simple as possible. Some may say bare bones. There are things i must have on on every trip. Safety stuff; PFD, whistle, hand pump, cell phone/radio. Things I have to take to legally fish; license, net, measuring devise. Fishing stuff I need on every trip; pliers, line cutters, game clip gaff, seat. After that I pack just what I need for the fishing I have planned for that day. This means organized fishing gear, knowlede of the fishery, and many plano boxes. I can almost always Get by with 1 plano box and 1 bag of leader spools. I never take an anchor to LA Jolla. When I fish south bay I take the anchor but not a bait tank. I have nothing on my kayak that needs electricity, FF or bait pump, so that simplifies things. For summer LJ fishing i bring 5 surface irons, 3 small heavy irons, 2 plugs. 2 sibikis, 3 sinkers 1-3 oz, 2 fluoro leader spools, and maybe 12 hooks. Obviously im not calico or bottom fishing. Sure, I some times wish I had a different iron or larger plastic but not too often. Works for me and makes packing, setting up, n taking down faster n simpler. Make a few lists of what you take then whittle them to what you need. Mike
Great idea on the list , that should give me a good visual so i can cut the fat. I always think I'm going lose hooks or jigs , I've had days like that where I've gone through tons of tackle but thats pretty rare.

Originally Posted by Fishin' Magician View Post
I keep trying to pare things down as well, but it always seems as though whenever one thing gets taken off my list of things to bring, another one finds its way onto to it. I fish mostly the bays, so half the stuff I have hardly ever gets used. I have an anchor that has never touched the water (yet), a brand new folding net to replace the large net that was really only needed 2 or 3 times in the 3 years since I bought it, a gaff that I've only needed once on a YT on the Islander trip last month (but I'm always hoping to need it for a legal sized halibut), and a whole bunch of lures, weights, and other 'stuff' that I feel that I just need to take with me 'just in case'.

So I understand your problem. We need to organize a support group. "Hello, my name is Andy and I'm a kayak fishing junkie...."
I always bring my gaff, never used it sadly , also hoping for that huge Hali!

When was the lat time you "used"? Im here to tell you, you are not alone ...we can help you! LOL

Last edited by Fish; 06-11-2015 at 10:49 AM.
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