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Old 06-20-2015, 06:35 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 37
It was a Dark and Foggy Morning

Did I say it was a dark and foggy morning?? What one has to do to get some solitude in this life! Launched at first light in the abyss. Had to paddle out "instruments only" because the visibility was about 10 yards in every direction. Could not see much, but there were 4 sea lions within my limited vision, following me. Chart plotter was having issues, but we do the best we can, right? Found a pile of greenies somewhere in the middle of the kelp just past the MLPA zone (yes, I was sure) and continued out. Trolling mac while bumping the bottom at about 145 ft. Had a scare when a boat came motoring by--could not see where it was but could hear it coming close. Finally it entered into my vision range and turned. Then I saw a lone kayak in the near distance, so I slowly ventured toward him so see if he was having any luck. Just outside of the kelp line I get picked up. The pickup was so slight that I though it was kelp at first, but when I turned, BAM--it was on! Roughly 10 minutes and a nice sleigh ride later got him to color sunk the gaff and pointed for home and went to work. Great morning.
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