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Old 08-17-2015, 06:45 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Fishngolf70 View Post
So as the title says I was just not geared up for a fight like this. I was very safe and had my jacket on, radio going, GPS, etc, but about a mile and a half into it you start this beast even getting tired yet? how many miles is safe to be able to get back? Right about then a boat cruised up within shouting distance and I told them what was going on and they hung out for a while. The captain says you need to button down that drag to even have a chance on a fish like that. So I Buttoned down the drag and started fighting, they said they would hang out if I was going to make it happen so that's what I tried to do. That was another 30 minutes of totally getting my but kicked as I think that he just found out he was hooked. He headed straight down a couple hundred feet and started cruising again while I had a huge load on the rod and couldn't budge him. Finally 2 hours / 3 miles into it SNAP my rod breaks off at about the 4 1/2 foot mark...I tried to continue and SNAP my 65# spectra breaks right at the top eye with no more flex in the rod. The guys in the boat take off and I just sat there for a minute thinking about what just happened...awesome!

And with a big smile on my face pedaled back to the harbor.
I really admire your spirit to not give up, get out there a second day and then hook a marlin! We've all tasted defeat and it makes us think about cutting our losses. Too bad about your rod and lost fish but I think that's just as cool of an ending… glad you made it back safe!
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