Thread: Another HH
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Old 08-31-2015, 05:18 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by LSmoot View Post
I'm curious, was your fish bleeding into the water? Or was it hanging off the side at any point? I had a HH shark do exactly the same to me Friday in LJ, and I think he saw my fish as I dipped it in for a few seconds to keep it cool.
Funny you ask this question, I've been obsessing over the "why" since I got home yesterday, and what I would do differently next time this happens.

First, no fish. I was paddling NW from the harbor, with one Sabiki and one Krocodile...trying to make bait. I caught 3 bonito, one of which I put in my Hobie livewell. The bone was not bleeding, but did die in the livewell. With no blood in the water, I wonder if he could smell a dying bone with the recirculated water from the tank?

For next time? I will definitely wear my PFD "just in case" a shark tips the boat unexpectedly, I can quickly jump in. I was not prepared for that first bump! Coincidentally, I always bring my PFD @LJ, but I never wear it. For some reason, I wore it @O'side yesterday...and I clipped my VHF radio to it. I never use my radio @LJ either, but for some reason, maybe being alone, I had it powered on as I was paddling out. When fishing new-to-me areas, I will be sure to go with a buddy "just in case". There are always other yakkers at LJ in shouting distance - there was NO ONE yesterday. Another lesson I learned, is that I confused the HH a few times when paddling to shore and doing a 180 to face west aiming right at him when he was tailing me - his behavior changed and rather than charging at me, he swam off to the side. However, once I started paddling back to shore, he once again started tailing me, and swimming under me. He hit bumped mirage drive (no bites) a few times as I was pedaling, which was a weird sensation.

It's odd, as freaked out as I was since this was a first for me, seeing a shark circle the yak with a fin out of the addition to being bumped...while it's an uncomfortable feeling, they are such magnificent creatures and it really is awesome to see them so close up. If I wanted to I literally could have reached out and touched him a few times...but I'm a wuss like that. Watching him glide through the water and getting such a close up look is indescribable. Do I want this experience again? Not really...not something to seek out, but I think I will be more calm. These guys caused me much more anxiety than the up close dogs @LJ. Also, I'm going get a GoPro today.

PS. My bigger fear is not the Hammerhead after this experience. While I have no doubt he could have tipped me with his torque and strength, not sure this is quite in his nature. Now a Great White launching from below like they do on seals? Hopefully those are just the bigger models in South Africa!
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