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Old 08-31-2015, 11:59 AM   #9
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 370
Leopard sharks are always in the surf! We used to catch them in the surf at night all the time.

As for our regular every day shark sightings we need to keep them to ourselves on this board. Don't share them with the public and especially not with any authority figure like DFG or life guards or the like.

Any mention of sharks to the public just opens the situation for the media to grab a hold of the story and sensationalize it

A simple HH sighting that a kayaker sees as innocent yet exciting becomes headlines in the news

"Local kayaker stalked by hungry hammerhead shark. News at 11"

As we have seen the media will sensationalize any story to increase viewership

The better we keep our shark stories restricted to this board and to others that understand what is happening with the Sharks this year the better.

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