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Old 08-31-2015, 04:52 PM   #11
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: San Clemente
Posts: 16
So I get the impression that the general consensus is that when an 8+ foot hammerhead is bumping your kayak its' not something to be concerned or freak out about? After all, he does not want to EAT/Bite me but simply wants what I want laying in front of me? My Jack Russell has the same undeterred focus at dinner time and does not warrant any action other that "go away Moby", repeat several times. I feel sort of grateful for the experience with Mr. Hammerhead at Dana Point and perhaps with time as I paddle into the ranks beyond "Junior" such wisdom will be passed along with a more mature understanding of nature. Should I now target the beast for the that ultimate sled ride? That was insane! Such composure. Crap, this is all adding up with the fish bag, shark shield and now the GoPro to record the final run. Insured wife says "you will go doing something that you love", God bless her and the kids.

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