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Old 09-01-2015, 07:39 AM   #23
donkey roper
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Unless you're talking about the hobie adventure, a SLEEK paddling kayak will smoke a hobie in nearly all cases (assuming experienced paddler). I can average 5 mph in my prowler 15 pretty much indefinitely in good wind conditions. Sprints get up to 6-7 mph. Downwind surfing can get up to 10, which isn't quite fast enough to catch open water swell.

But the max hull speed is not the critical factor, the bigger difference is the amount of effort that it takes to maintain a slow trolling speed is much less for a hobie. Its all about the hull shape and planing speed. Prowler can go slow very efficiently, and doesn't need to be on plane to have less resistance due to the bow/stern shape.

I also fish an x-factor which is a complete turd, but it can carry 600 freaking pounds. It has such high volume displacement and the bottom is almost flat, so it actually planes out at a pretty low speed. But to get it to 5 mph is very difficult.

They make kayaks in South Africa that can average 6-7 mph, and catch open ocean swells getting upwards of 15 mph max.
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