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Old 09-02-2015, 01:55 PM   #83
Just a Salty Sailor
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Join Date: Jun 2015
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Originally Posted by FISH11 View Post
When I landed yesterday around 2:15 pm, as I was dragging my kayak out of the water, I was approached by Hannah Mullins (a reporter with 10 news and her cameraman). She first asks me if I caught anything, I said nothing I wanted to keep. Then she asks if I saw any sharks any hammer heads, I said not today. She ask if I had seen them before and I say, Ya, they have been around for a couple months now. She asks surprised, a couple months. I said about couple months. but only now did anybody bring it up. I said we've seen a lot of other sharks that are a lot more dangerous than a hammer heads. She sounds interested and ask me if I want to chat about it. I said no, she sounds surprised and says, No. I said not really, I think it's been written about too much already, and people just misinterpret it. She looks puzzled and says good bye and walks away. I wonder what they would think, if we started talking about the GW's and Makos we have seen or hooked up, really close to the buoys the swimmers like to swim to on their way to the pier or shores everyday. I think the swimmers are the ones that are nuts, swimming in their area and close to so many seals. I think the last thing we need is the public to think the kayak fishermen are the ones responsible for the shark when they have been in the area all along. I mean it's their back yard and we are all just passing through. Enjoy the beauty of seeing then and leave them alone.
Mark, that's Excellent, I would of said same thing. I look forward to my first interview. Heres a news flash..SHARKS LIVE IN THE OCEAN..drops mic, exit stage left..
So there I was..
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