Thread: Making bait
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Old 09-04-2015, 02:28 PM   #4
Join Date: Aug 2015
Posts: 40
Originally Posted by YakDout View Post
As long as the price point isnt high like you are saying, Im sure I would try it out. Although I make most of my bait far away from the kelp due to sabikis getting snagged and tangled.
That only happens when you're randomly casting between the kelp lanes in hopes of a bait fish seeing your sabiki rig. When I used the uni goop in the past, the bait fish are right at your boat. You are literally dropping your rig straight down, about 6-10 feet, and all the hooks are getting hit at once. It's VERY simple and effective. You lash up at the outer edge of the kelp. Once the Goop hits the water, and you are stationary, the current will take it into the kelp. Within 60-90 seconds you will start to see the little silver "shimmers" of bait fish. Keep shaking the bag until you see a nice cloud of them around you. At that point, let the sabiki slaughter begin.
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