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Old 09-09-2015, 01:58 PM   #27
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Unless there is a boat or shoreline within easy reach, there is not much sense in trying to get away. As has been stated, you are not going to outrun any shark. And you will probably get it more excited by trying to scurry away.
DO NOT feed them your bait. Our bait is not large enough to slow the ones we have to be concerned with down it the least. And it helps to promote their bad behavior of searching for food around kayaks. Feeding your dead bait to Seagulls is far better in the long run than throwing it overboard when you know Sharks or Sea lions are around. If you don't see a Seagull flying above you, give it 30 seconds or so. Hell, most of the time you can even call them in.
Using your paddle (for sound or striking) should be only in the event that the shark is persistent and/or already nibbling on your yak. Two of the 3 possible outcomes from this are probably not good for you. They can be scared off (good), pissed off or excited (not good).
If sharks had arms and hands, they would reach out and test things with their fingers. Since they don't, it is either bite or bump. So just imagine them saying "OOOOh, what is that?" next time you get bumped. Nobody has ever been treated for a shark kayak bump (that I have heard of).
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