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Old 09-17-2015, 03:35 PM   #24
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There are differing degrees of sciatic issues, and every body is different. I have had moments where I could not roll over on the chiropractic table and months of almost no pain at all. I went through an extensive rehab involving Chiro, Electrical Stimulation, Massage, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Spinal Block, Etc. I tried exercises that others had shared with me that had helped them. But the only thing that helped me was developing my own set of exercises, and not to over stress myself when doing them. Get an MRI, cause no amount of PT is going to heal extensive soft tissue damage. There are also things you can do to help prevent aggravating the injury like as mentioned, not sitting on your wallet, sleeping on a firm mattress on your back, not sitting on couches (most are terrible for this) and keeping your back straight (good posture) as much as you can. IB 800s do almost nothing for me when mine flares up, but Norcos/Vicodin can take the edge off.
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